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143rd International Instructor Course

Las Vegas, NV - June 21-23, 2019

Master Suarez traveled to Las Vegas, NV with QTC's Rupert Shrouder and Jennifer Throo, and 8 additional members of the NTA-ITF for the 143rd International Instructors Course.  

II LasBVegs

2019 Masters Seminar

Camaguey, Honduras - June 14-16, 2019


Masters Suarez and Perlaza joined forces once more with Masters Oscar Perez (FL) & Luis Gato Gato (PR) for another Central American International Masters Seminar--this year in Camaguay, Honduras!  The seminar, hosted by Union Taekwon-Do of Honduras led by Sabum Raul Alvarez was another huge success.  The Masters held an intense 3-day seminar focusing on all aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do, including patterns and fundamental movements, sparring, self-defense, physical conditioning, and the moral aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do.  Master Suarez would like to extend his deepest gratitude to the organizing committee of the UTH and the members of the Central American ITF community for this great opportunity.


Interview with Laura Caceres de Presencia Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras.

BB TraningMay 2019
IV dan class May.jpg

NTA-ITF Black Belt Training

Jackson Heights, NY - May , 2019

Red Tiger 2019

USTC Red Tiger Cup

Philadelphia, PA - May 18, 2019

Master Suarez Seminar at Advantage TaeKwon-Do

Lititz, PA - May 5, 2019
