143rd International Instructor Course
Las Vegas, NV - June 21-23, 2019
Master Suarez traveled to Las Vegas, NV with QTC's Rupert Shrouder and Jennifer Throo, and 8 additional members of the NTA-ITF for the 143rd International Instructors Course.
2019 Masters Seminar
Camaguey, Honduras - June 14-16, 2019
Masters Suarez and Perlaza joined forces once more with Masters Oscar Perez (FL) & Luis Gato Gato (PR) for another Central American International Masters Seminar--this year in Camaguay, Honduras! The seminar, hosted by Union Taekwon-Do of Honduras led by Sabum Raul Alvarez was another huge success. The Masters held an intense 3-day seminar focusing on all aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do, including patterns and fundamental movements, sparring, self-defense, physical conditioning, and the moral aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do. Master Suarez would like to extend his deepest gratitude to the organizing committee of the UTH and the members of the Central American ITF community for this great opportunity.